*1 LEDs are classified according to IEC 62471 (JIS C 7550).
  • Exempt group: Objects that do not cause any photobiological damage.
  • Risk group 1 (low risk): Objects that do not cause damage that make constraints on normal actions necessary.
  • Risk group 2 (moderate risk): Objects that do not cause damage accompanied by unpleasant feelings and thermal discomfort.
  • Risk group 3 (high risk): Objects that cause damage even due to temporary or short-term exposure.
*2 Water splashed against the enclosure from any direction will have no harmful effects. Device susceptible to damage if faced with jets of water, or temporary or continuous immersion in water.
*3 Tested against dust over an extended time, protection against contact with objects greater than 1 mm (0.0393”) in diameter, such as wire or a small tool. Protected from low-pressure water jets from any direction.
*4 Tested against dust over an extended time, protection against contact with objects greater than 1 mm (0.0393”) in diameter, such as wire or a small tool. Protected against short periods of immersion in water while under pressure up to 1 m (39.3701“).
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